1. What is Lead Balance?
Lead balance is the number of leads you are allowed to download or import into your campaigns using our lead finder tool.
2. Do Unused Leads Roll Over Each Month?
No, any unused lead balance will expire at the end of each month and will not roll over.
3. Are Leads Without Email Addresses Charged?
No, you won’t be charged for the leads without an email.
4. What is the Total Stored Leads Limit?
For sending emails to the leads, you need to upload the leads to your campaign and there is a limit on how many leads you can upload/store in your campaigns at any given point in time. The total stored leads limit is the maximum number of leads or contacts you can upload and store across all your campaigns at any given time. For instance, with a limit of 1200, you can store up to 1200 contacts across all campaigns. To upload more leads, you'll need to remove existing leads or upgrade your subscription for a higher limit.
5. Can I Re-download Previously Downloaded Leads?
Yes, you can re-download previously downloaded leads either from the lead finder's 'download summary' or through the settings.
6. What Does "Insufficient Active Leads Balance" Error Mean?
This error occurs when you've used 100% of your total stored leads, or the number of leads you're trying to import exceeds your capacity. For instance, the total stored limit is 100 and you are trying to import/upload 200 leads you will get this error. To resolve this, remove some leads from your campaign or upgrade your subscription plan.